CH 8
Self Regulation
Effort to monitor and regulate our own behaviors, cognitions, and emotions so as to reach our goals
In psychology, it's labeled as internal locus of control, as opposed to external locus of control.
Academic self-regulated learning- ability to monitor and control your own behavior, thinking, and emotions as you acquire knowledge and skills during learning.
The power of conscious and unconscious control that we have over our own actions or emotions.
Greek thinkers created the word akrasia to represent a deficiency of the will.
Academic Motivation
Motivation- thoughts and feelings that initiate, direct, and sustain action.
5 issues in motivation
Choices- what do we choose to do?
Initiation- How rapidly do we begin the behavior?
Intensity- How hard do we try?
Persistence- How long do we try?
Thoughts/Feelings- What do we think and feel while we are engaged?
Psychological Elements that impact Motivation
Values- Why do we prize or disregard the completion?
Needs- What drives me?
Expectations- Can I accomplish the task?
Stages of Self-Regulatory Ability
Stage 1: Chaos- We are far behind and overwhelmed.
Stage 2: Stability- Have and set rules.
Stage 3: Flexibility- Confidence grows. We have self-control.
Stage 4: Mastery- Principles and adjustments take place automatically.