Media Literacy
What is it?
Ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in all of its forms
Murray State Graduate Project
Why do we need it?
Helps us understand the world and our relationship to media in society.
Media and Democracy
5 core questions
Who sent this message?
messages are made by someone.
makes choices about the message
What techniques are used to attract my attention?
The arts influence the message. But how?
How might other people understand this message differently from me?
different people understand media differntly
Audiences are targeted by advertisers, using differences in perception.
What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented in or ommited from this message?
What are producer's values?
Which points of view are left out?
There always is a point of view and other POV's are ommitted.
Why was this message sent?
All media messages are organized to gain something.
Consumers should understand how messages are used.
In the New Media world, who does the journalism?
We do!