Summary of Learning for Educational Technology
Articles I will save to reference back to when I am a teacher
5 Tools to Boost Productivity for Teachers
When Blended Learning Works Best
Every Teachers' Guide to Assessments: Formative vs. Summative
5th Graders write, illustrate and publish their own iBook
9 Themes in Digital Citizenship
Teaching copyrights
Designing the 21st Century K-12 Classroom
How Learning Environments are Changing
Description: Being able to read article from experts in their fields and peers is a great way to incorporate new techniques into my classroom one day. These articles we were given in class give us great ideas to go back to once we have students to teach.
Awesome videos I will need to be a successful teacher one day
TPACK in 2 minutes
Digital Citizenship
Creative Commons: Copyright-friendly content and more
Book Creator for iPad
Sample eBooks from Mr. Smith's students
Flexible Learning Environments
Rick Wormeli: Formative and Summative Assessment
Blended Learning Classroom Environments
Google for Education 101
Personal Learning Network
Description: Watching and listening to these great videos will help remind me of the things that I have learned during this class. These great content-rich videos will be something I will often come back to.
Cool Tools for Cool Teachers
Emaze- Presentation tool
My Review Post
Thinglink- Video/Presentation tool
My Review Post
Canva- Poster Maker
My Review Post
StoryBookThat- Book Maker
My Review Post
Tagul- Word Cloud
My Review Post
Description: While using these tools, I was able to learn new ways to relate information to my students on day. Also, being able to learn new tool such as these helps teachers stay tech-savvy as our students will be.
My Blog which I spent a lot of time on this semester
Miss. Heavilin's Insight
Description: Making a blog is a great way for teachers to learn from each other and build PLNs together. Learning how to post insightful and resourceful blog posts is a life-long skill to have.
Final Project: Knitting
Knitting Final Project Posts from my blog
Description: being open and willing enough to self-teach myself to learn a new skill was quite great. Now that i was able to learn a complex skill such as knitting I am much more willing to try other new things.