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2-A1MP for sale online

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The chemical formula of 2-A1MP (BK-MMDA) is “1-(7-Methoxy-benzo [1, 3] dioxol-5-yl)-2-methylamino-propan-1-one” as per IUPAC. The molecular weight of this drug has been calculated to be 292.30 g/mol and the purity of this substance in its purest forms has been calculated to be approximately equal to or greater than 98%. The molecular formula of 2-A1MP (BK-MMDA) is C12H14NO2. Buy 2-A1MP research chemical Online

The recommended storage temperature for the drugs is either room temperature or between 20oC to 25oC while the stability of the molecule of this drug is known to be equal to or greater than two to three years.