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Genders and Partners

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Founded in 1848 we are the oldest law firm in South Australia. We pride ourselves on our integrity, personal service and professionalism.

We specialise in Wills and Estate Planning; Trusts and Guardianship; Probate and Estate Administration; and Inheritance Claims and Contested Estates.

We understand that you are busy - building a family, a career, a business, a prosperous future.

You need to know that you and your family will be taken care of if anything happens to you.

We can help you plan for every stage of life’s journey, and do so in the most convenient, courteous and effective manner possible. We are here to serve you.


Wills & Estate Planning
Probate & Estate Administration
Trusts & Guardianship
Inheritance Claims and Contested Estates

Our Promotion:
Call Us Now To Arrange A FREE Telephone Consultation At No Obligation (08) 8212 7233.

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Genders and Partners
Suite V1, Level 3, 169 Fullarton Road, Dulwich SA 5065
(08) 8212 7233