Keyboard shortcuts
Some actions in Mind42 can also be performed with the keyboard instead of the mouse. This saves time and will boost your efficiency.
- CTRL-Z (Windows) / CMD-Z (Mac): Undo
- CTRL-Y (Windows) / CMD-Y (Mac): Redo
- CTRL-F (Windows) / CMD-F (Mac): Search
- +: Zoom in
- -: Zoom out
- Mouse wheel: Scroll mind map
With selected node
- C (TAB): New child
- S (SHIFT-TAB): New sibling
- ENTER: Edit node
- DEL (BACKSPACE): Delete node
- CTRL-UP (Windows) / CMD-UP (Mac): Move selected node above preceding sibling
- CTRL-DOWN (Windows) / CMD-DOWN (Mac): Move selected node below following sibling
- UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: Select node to the top/bottom/left/right
- CTRL-X (Windows) / CMD-X (Mac): Cut
- CTRL-C (Windows) / CMD-C (Mac): Copy
- CTRL-V (Windows) / CMD-V (Mac): Paste
- E: Collapse/Expand node
- 1: Open note editor
- 2: Open todo editor
- 3: Open link editor
- 4: Open image editor
- 5: Open icon editor
- 6: Open style editor
While editing nodes:
- ENTER: Quit editing and apply changes
- ESC: Quit editing and discard changes
- SHIFT-ENTER: Create new line